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If I was right about 911, but no…

If I was right about 911, then by now both Bush Jr and Giuliani would be pretty well discredited. Rice and Powell would have faded discretely from the scene. Dick Cheney would be out of sight and out of mind. And the whole Global War on Terror would have come to seem like a pointless expenditure of money on killing people, but mainly pushing a lot of dust with hi-tech weapons.

I guess it’s a good thing I was wrong, and the Official Narrative is factual, and none of that has happened. I mean, look at Giuliani: still a paragon of respect. Look at the huge tangible victories in the War on Terror, the New Nations budding with Democracy, Pluralism, and Open Markets. Showcases of American Values the Occupations were called, at the beginning. They sure are, in every way.

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Hate me if you want, but deep in my heart I am becoming an accelerationist. I am so over this schoolmarmish attitude that every right thinking person OWES their vote to whomever the Democrat Donors decide is good enough to Rule us, so over it that I find myself thinking that maybe Roe V Wade was what cut the legs from under Radical Feminism in the first place, and maybe a better Safety Net would just prevent a Revolution. Maybe the Dems are a coalition of left-over people from previous Regime Eras that still hope to get paid till they die. Maybe they have NO PLAN for the future, except solemnly promising NOT to do anything Progressive, so they can get the votes of neo Nazi Soccer Moms and Reagan Dems. So they are going to have to show me something Different if they ever want my vote again, and I don’t expect they really care, other than Social Media people. The Dems don’t care what they think, so why should I?

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Facebook Spew, early morning Aug 9 2022

Our pain, misery, and death are the Coal Mines of our time. Capitalists have counted us up, and our Ailments, and estimated how much can be made keeping each of us alive for how long, and what we have got they can sue for when we finally die, and have worked out a Plan to maximize profit as each of us goes Down. And if we have a Problem with that, we are Communists who Hate America.

So you can call me Joe Stalin ‘Tanky’ K. Fuck every last Capitalist, and every last Priest, all the way back to their Ancestors. Those now profiting from the millions dying unnecessarily will face the Truth Commission, if not in this generation, then their Kids will go before the World, and explain why they should get to keep the Money. Or their Grandkids. Earth is Old and none may count her days. Justice has All the Time in the World. It’s US that should want to pay our Karma ourselves, and not leave it for our kids. But this is just one of the ways America has it Backwards.


Experimenters put rats in cages. Experimenters then electrify the floor, causing inexplicable pain and terror for the rats. The rats attack each other. But the big male rats beat up the small female rats MORE than average in the Melee. And the Wyt rats seem to have a Thing going on. And this is very much a matter of study, to the rats. To the experimenters, who arranged all this pointless cruelty, what is interesting is they can be made to attack one another at will. This is why Marxists say it’s about CLASS more than Race or Gender, and are considered outdated because they are not up on all the ways to be Special. This need to be Special is part of the problem.


Someone wrote:

People who cannot go to heaven, according to the BIBLE:

– Homosexuals.

– Lesbians.

– Trans.

– Homosexual families.

– Lesboparent families.

– Different families .

– Adulterers.

– Fornicators.

– Those who live in free union.

– The civilly married ones.

– Divorced people who remarried.

– Divorced living in free union.

– Those who have children out of wedlock.

– Those who don’t recognize children.

– Those who have had sex with a menstruating woman.

– Those who slept with their fellow man’s wife (insert horns)

– Those who do not keep the Sabbath for the Lord.

– The drunk ones.

– Those who visit prostitutes

– The practitioners of masturbation.

– Those who love pictures.

– Those who plant and reap the fallen fruits.

– Those who engage in gambling.

– Those who steal (even if it’s just a pencil).

– Those who have impure thoughts and desires.

– Those who swear in vain.

– Those who covet other people’s goods.

– The liars.

– The ones who cheat.

– Those who swear falsely.

– Those who do not sanctify the holidays (going to the beach on Easter).

– Those who oppress and plunder their neighbor.

– Those who pass unjust sentences.

– Those who slander others.

– Those who hate their brother.

– The grumpy ones.

– Those who take revenge.

– Those who sow their field with two different types of grain.

– Those who wear crochet clothes with two classes yarn.

– Those who practice witchcraft and astrology (read the horoscope).

– Those who shave their heads.

– Those who cut the edges of their beard.

– Those who have tattoos on their body.

– Those who consult witches.

– Those who don’t stand up in front of the elders.

– Those who charge usury interest (agiot).

– Those who erect idols and raise statues and monuments.

– those who criticize

– Those who use birth control.

– Those who have sex before marriage.

– Those who have sex for non-reproductive purposes.

– Those who have sex for pleasure.

and I responded

The Christians I knew seriously believed these were all God’s Laws on the books, and never questioned that they applied to everyone else, and that God Knew Everyone’s Secrets too, but they were sure that the Blood of Christ meant that almost no Rules actually applied to them. The Biblical rules were kind of Optional Suggestions, and if you tried to actually follow them, you might learn a Lesson, but they were in no way Rules they would be punished for breaking.

They believed in a God who was completely obsessed with Rules, but gave them a Pass on it all, because he Loved them, and they picked the One Right Religion.

Many of them were important in the Town Doings, so they made rules there that applied to other people, but not themselves. They ran the Schools, and that is all School is, is different Rules for different People. Main thing it teaches you. They cried and moaned about how bad the schools were, like it was someone else running them. As Church People go, they were Above Average. Like Lake Woebegone.


Everyone else with an actual job has a camera on them all day. Cops are special in getting to murder people at work, AND in getting to hide the evidence they did so. BOTH would be a Crime for us, but to make Law Enforcement fun and easy, there is nothing a Cop cannot get away with, as long as they don’t piss off other Cops. If they do, they get shot in the back, same as any other violent criminal racist protection-selling Gang. But fortunately Cops are super Understanding of the flaws and foibles of Human Nature, when it is one of them.

If we had any Pride we would not permit this.

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John Trudell…

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Arcadia Staff-Making Workshop Introductory Notes

A Staff is a symbol for the Self, and for the Element of Fire. It is like a Wand, but bigger. I will keep calling it a Staff for awhile, then revert to calling it a Stick. It’s a symbol of the Self with the right combo of humbleness and grandiosity.

The Wood of the Staff can be sought out as a certain kind from a certain place at a certain time, or it can be a piece that makes itself ‘special’ to us in some other way. I have seen an urban Pagan use a large dowel from the hardware store as a staff. I don’t know what his intention was with that, but as long as HE knows, there is nothing wrong with that.

Some of us will make staffs like we have seen in films and games, the best we can, and others will need to make a Departure from that, if it’s going to be about Us.

At Arcadia we have over 80 acres of woods, reaching up to a mountain peak. You can have your own ‘Quest’ to go and find the sapling you want to make your staff out of. Or you can pick a sapling and carve a rune or sigil in it in the warm season, and wait for it to naturally darken before harvest, charging up power from the Mountain in the meantime. You can do Both these things, if you want to. The more effort and energy we put into it, and the more deliberate our plan, the better. Or, sometimes, we find a sapling already dead, and just know it’s meant to be our Staff.

I seem to work best with a combination of planning general outlines, and then improvising in the moment. And my Stick reveals that kind of energy, faintly chaotic. I am OK with that. The Stick I have now was meant to be a ‘Practice Stick,’ and i was going to come back later and do a ‘Serious Stick,’ a Stick with real Power. It was the top of a Hickory tree I cut down to clear the Circle for our first Beltane celebration here at Arcadia, in 97. I also dug up the stump of that tree, and used it as a ritual for rooting out old Trauma and such. (We generally try to make a Ritual of any real work we have to do, because it makes it more Interesting.) And i found the ‘Practice Stick was so … Special I am not sure I can do something ‘better’ with the energy more ‘under control.’ I am not sure that would BE Better. Maybe part of the Strength of my Stick is how it is ready to deal with Chaos, and multi-leveled reality. I am so ‘mature’ now I am not sure I could catch it as well. And Hickory is … Hickory. It’s a wood that means business. Hoe and shovel handles are made of hickory. It seems to be the Strongest wood that can still be worked (while it is green.)

It does not matter what the story is behind our Stick, but there should be one.

Nuts and Bolts

When the stick is cut, it’s usually pretty easy to strip the bark off by getting it started with a knife, and then peeling off strips of bark with our hands.

Then the wood is kind of wet, and it’s soft. If there is carving to do, sigils, runes, animals, anything, it should be done while wood is still wet. As it dries it will harden. Sanding should wait till it is almost dry, and i recommend wet sanding with mineral oil. Mineral oil can have scent added to it, or Altar oil, or whatever to make it ‘magic.’

A half-round ‘bastard’ file seems to be best for carving lines and shapes into the curved surface of the stick, but know that most lines will extend longer than you want, and then shorten again if you hit it with a belt sander or wood shaping tool. Best thing about a file is we don’t hurt ourselves with it. When we are holding wood with one hand, and pushing a chisel or a knife against it with the other, we often cut ourselves. So we don’t do that. The Dremmel-type rotary tool with various bits is another tool we use, and I mentioned the belt sander. The Belt sander is what I used to make the tongue of the spider out of a branch that was coming out there. It’s hard to find a stick that is really straight, but finding that configuration with a smaller branch coming out of a big branch seems easier, if you like how mine does.

About this time, you can hold your stick in a fire, if you want to dry it out faster, darken the color, or put more energy into it. The bottom half of my stick is brown from fire. I think I got more of it brown, and then came back with a belt sander and lightened it up again, also undoing some of the carving.

I usually prefer the big-end-up with Sticks, which is upside-down from how the tree grows. I put a Quartz Crystal on mine, which if you want to do, you should find the crystal in advance, so you can carve the wood to fit it while the wood is still green. With hardwood, it just burns with a shaping tool after it’s dry.

When Hickory started burning and breaking my tools, I took that as the sign the Stick was Finished, and there was nothing but putting stuff on it. The Crystal was obvious, and I bought a cheap Eyeball Ring for the Eyeball, and affixed a pendant I had been wearing, where I later added the Meteorite Iron I bought at Stone and Bone.

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