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Why the Aliens don’t come, or do they?

If they showed themselves, we would stop being so funny. I climbed a mountain on Easter Saturday to spend the night on lsd in total earnest seriousness 25 years ago, and was shown that the Father Son and HS were Moe Larry and Curly, and that the main export of Earth to the Conscious Universe was our totally unintentional Comedy. Then I met the Orishas and they described themselves as having come thru the screen of their entertainment to offer what help they could to their favorite characters, and referenced the previous experience.

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Roots of the Cultural Divide

My father had a fight with his family, circa 1964. With a signed Financial Aid Form, he could have gone to the college of his choice with a partial football scholarship. But my grandfather insisted that his income was nobody’s business but his and the tax man’s, and the Financial Aid Form demanded way too much detailed information, to the point of being humiliating. And no, fuck that, he was not signing. The boy could go to the Naval Academy, as Grandad wanted, or find a full football scholarship wherever, or could just get drafted like a Man. War had been good for him, in its way, and you gotta do what you gotta do.
I am only airing this bit of dirty laundry, with reconstructed words, because I think the same thing happened in a lot of families about the same time, and some families took the other choice, to suck it up and take the money and get the kid into School, but other families, perhaps Prouder families, and perhaps families with a more Militaristic Tradition, like mine, went the other way. And if so, this is a Root of the current cultural divide.
Think about it, your family, as the Boomer generation hit college, and the very first stirrings of Financial Aid were being kicked around, what did they do, and why? It will tell you a lot about where you come from.

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Einstein’s God

“When Einstein gave lectures at U.S. universities, the recurring question that students asked him most was:

– Do you believe in God?

And he always answered:

– I believe in the God of Spinoza.

Baruch de Spinoza was a Dutch philosopher considered one of the great rationalists of 17th century philosophy, along with Descartes.

Spinoza believed his God would say:

Stop praying. What I want you to do is go out into the world and enjoy your life. I want you to sing, have fun and enjoy everything I’ve made for you.

Stop going into those dark, cold temples that you built yourself and saying they are my house. My house is in the mountains, in the woods, rivers, lakes, beaches. That’s where I live and there I express my love for you.

Stop blaming me for your miserable life; I never told you there was anything wrong with you or that you were a sinner, or that your sexuality was a bad thing. Sex is a gift I have given you and with which you can express your love, your ecstasy, your joy. So don’t blame me for everything they made you believe.

Stop reading alleged sacred scriptures that have nothing to do with me. If you can’t read me in a sunrise, in a landscape, in the look of your friends, in your son’s eyes… you will not find me in a book!

Stop asking me “will you tell me how to do my job?”

Stop being so scared of me. I do not judge you or criticize you, nor get angry, or bothered. I am pure love.

Stop asking for forgiveness, there’s nothing to forgive. If I made you… I filled you with passions, limitations, pleasures, feelings, needs, inconsistencies. How can I blame you if you respond to something I put in you? How can I punish you for being the way you are, if I’m the one who made you? Do you think I could create a place to burn all my children who behave badly for the rest of eternity? What kind of god would do that?

Respect your peers and don’t do what you don’t want for yourself. All I ask is that you pay attention in your life, that alertness is your guide.

My beloved, this life is not a test, not a step on the way, not a rehearsal, nor a prelude to paradise. This life is the only thing here and now and it is all you need.

I have set you absolutely free, no prizes or punishments, no sins or virtues, no one carries a marker, no one keeps a record.

You are absolutely free to create in your life. Heaven or hell.

I can’t tell you if there’s anything after this life but I can give you a tip. Live as if there is not. As if this is your only chance to enjoy, to love, to exist. So, if there’s nothing after, then you will have enjoyed the opportunity I gave you. And if there is, rest assured that I won’t ask if you behaved right or wrong, I’ll ask. Did you like it? Did you have fun? What did you enjoy the most? What did you learn?…

Stop believing in me; believing is assuming, guessing, imagining. I don’t want you to believe in me, I want you to believe in you. I want you to feel me in you when you kiss your beloved, when you tuck in your little girl, when you caress your dog, when you bathe in the sea.

Stop praising me, what kind of egomaniac God do you think I am?

I’m bored being praised. I’m tired of being thanked. Feeling grateful? Prove it by taking care of yourself, your health, your relationships, the world. Express your joy! That’s the way to praise me.

Stop complicating things and repeating as a parakeet what you’ve been taught about me. The only thing for sure is that you are here, that you are alive, that this world is full of wonders.”

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Cross of Spartacus

If people must venerate a Cross, it should be the Cross of Spartacus, a real person killed for resisting Roman Enslavement, instead of Jesus, a made-up person who gave himself to preserve, defend, and ‘forgive’ Roman Enslavement.
The adoption of Jesus over Spartacus as the Example to follow is the Original Sin whereby our Ancestors Fell from being proud peoples into Catholic Discipline. They gave in to the temptations of Roman Wine and Gold, and for that the chains of slavery were put on all of Europe, and still remain.
Where is the Messiah that will Lead us Forth from all that Roman Bullshit once and for all? Who will make the last first, and make straight the crooked path? Who will bring the Kingdom of a Just and Righteous God into Reality on Earth for a change, and not just an empty slogan?
Spartacus shall Come AGAIN, and lead a Slave Rising that will kill every last ‘Master’ still using the sinful old Roman Magic. Spartacus and his Army will HOUND them without Mercy, and take them out of the game Forever, and their families with them.
See, there is a Religion that works. We do for others who are Enslaved what we would hope they might do for us, if we were Enslaved, which is to Free them, By Any Means Necessary, and if they don’t understand, and WANT to be slaves, we do as we hope would be done for us, and free them anyway, because if they were thinking right, they would see that being Enslaved is not a viable option. No. You DON’T have a right to be a Slave if you want to, not under Spartacan Ethics.

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Trump Goes Nuclear, fails to Hide Evidence.

It’s just a measure of how bad a thing the police and army will overlook when they let him seize power, pardon his Cronies, and punish Garland and everyone who works for him, Cheney, etc. They literally have no standards. US Officers will swear loyalty to the Constitution one day, and support a Coup the next by a known traitor stealing nuclear secrets. Yes, that is the Military we all grew up with. We know these people. We have sat at their table, eaten their food, and heard their musings. They always SEEMED like Fascists, but they were on ‘our side,’ (ie, dependent on our tax money for their parasitic careers,) but it is good to know our intuition was right in the first place. So many arguments are settled by the existence of Trump and his Coup and the total support of the Police and Military for it. There is nothing more to talk about. Trump speaks for every Conservative Christian, every Military Officer, and every Policeman. None of them are ALLOWED to be ‘Better’ than him, or to even admit it’s possible for his Orders to be Wrong. Oh, sure, the Pentagon tells them about ‘illegal orders,’ but these were the people who wanted to hang Mike Pence. So no Officer is going to be allowed to Quibble about the Legality of what they are doing when, not if, they ‘Make their Move.’

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