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Roots of the Cultural Divide

My father had a fight with his family, circa 1964. With a signed Financial Aid Form, he could have gone to the college of his choice with a partial football scholarship. But my grandfather insisted that his income was nobody’s business but his and the tax man’s, and the Financial Aid Form demanded way too much detailed information, to the point of being humiliating. And no, fuck that, he was not signing. The boy could go to the Naval Academy, as Grandad wanted, or find a full football scholarship wherever, or could just get drafted like a Man. War had been good for him, in its way, and you gotta do what you gotta do.
I am only airing this bit of dirty laundry, with reconstructed words, because I think the same thing happened in a lot of families about the same time, and some families took the other choice, to suck it up and take the money and get the kid into School, but other families, perhaps Prouder families, and perhaps families with a more Militaristic Tradition, like mine, went the other way. And if so, this is a Root of the current cultural divide.
Think about it, your family, as the Boomer generation hit college, and the very first stirrings of Financial Aid were being kicked around, what did they do, and why? It will tell you a lot about where you come from.

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