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Cross of Spartacus

If people must venerate a Cross, it should be the Cross of Spartacus, a real person killed for resisting Roman Enslavement, instead of Jesus, a made-up person who gave himself to preserve, defend, and ‘forgive’ Roman Enslavement.
The adoption of Jesus over Spartacus as the Example to follow is the Original Sin whereby our Ancestors Fell from being proud peoples into Catholic Discipline. They gave in to the temptations of Roman Wine and Gold, and for that the chains of slavery were put on all of Europe, and still remain.
Where is the Messiah that will Lead us Forth from all that Roman Bullshit once and for all? Who will make the last first, and make straight the crooked path? Who will bring the Kingdom of a Just and Righteous God into Reality on Earth for a change, and not just an empty slogan?
Spartacus shall Come AGAIN, and lead a Slave Rising that will kill every last ‘Master’ still using the sinful old Roman Magic. Spartacus and his Army will HOUND them without Mercy, and take them out of the game Forever, and their families with them.
See, there is a Religion that works. We do for others who are Enslaved what we would hope they might do for us, if we were Enslaved, which is to Free them, By Any Means Necessary, and if they don’t understand, and WANT to be slaves, we do as we hope would be done for us, and free them anyway, because if they were thinking right, they would see that being Enslaved is not a viable option. No. You DON’T have a right to be a Slave if you want to, not under Spartacan Ethics.

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