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Hate me if you want, but deep in my heart I am becoming an accelerationist. I am so over this schoolmarmish attitude that every right thinking person OWES their vote to whomever the Democrat Donors decide is good enough to Rule us, so over it that I find myself thinking that maybe Roe V Wade was what cut the legs from under Radical Feminism in the first place, and maybe a better Safety Net would just prevent a Revolution. Maybe the Dems are a coalition of left-over people from previous Regime Eras that still hope to get paid till they die. Maybe they have NO PLAN for the future, except solemnly promising NOT to do anything Progressive, so they can get the votes of neo Nazi Soccer Moms and Reagan Dems. So they are going to have to show me something Different if they ever want my vote again, and I don’t expect they really care, other than Social Media people. The Dems don’t care what they think, so why should I?

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