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If I was right about 911, but no…

If I was right about 911, then by now both Bush Jr and Giuliani would be pretty well discredited. Rice and Powell would have faded discretely from the scene. Dick Cheney would be out of sight and out of mind. And the whole Global War on Terror would have come to seem like a pointless expenditure of money on killing people, but mainly pushing a lot of dust with hi-tech weapons.

I guess it’s a good thing I was wrong, and the Official Narrative is factual, and none of that has happened. I mean, look at Giuliani: still a paragon of respect. Look at the huge tangible victories in the War on Terror, the New Nations budding with Democracy, Pluralism, and Open Markets. Showcases of American Values the Occupations were called, at the beginning. They sure are, in every way.

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