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Organizational Imperatives are poorly understood

Organizational Imperatives are poorly understood, because people are too wedded to the assumption that they and most others are rational. Truth is much of our behavior is neurotic and destructive, and even more of our Institutional Behavior.  Organizations are like Meta Organisms. They can get a life of their own almost aside from the people who make them up. Especially if there is Money coming from somewhere. Money is compelling. It makes people fight hard for their way, and keep showing up at the meetings. As long as people are getting paid and/or feeling more important after the meetings than before, they will fight hard to keep the whole Organization alive, funded, important, and not threatened by anything.  That’s what I mean about Organizational Imperatives.  Looks to me like the Machiavellian Structures of the Crumbling Renaissance-Based Corporate State are going into Terminal Overdrive when and where they connect with Digital Technology. I consider NSA as an example. Who is an Enemy? The Machiavellian mind says, Everyone could be an enemy (where the post digital mind would be equally quick to point out almost Nobody is Actually an Enemy, but anybody could be dangerous under certain circumstances.)  What do we want to know about the Enemy? The Machiavellian mind says ‘Everything,’ where the post digital mind would say scanning social networks for troubled people sending messages that they are troubled may yield good results. But analyzing the text messages of 8th graders looking for some secret network communicating in the open in code is looking for a needle you don’t need in a haystack of trouble. The Internet is a great place to find people who want to be found, and should be employed for that, with that caveat.

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