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So what the hey. A generation is used to reading bottom to top anyhow….

  1. Skeptical Surrealist@mntnwzrd66 ‘We are not allowed to say’ is an official answer that always leaves you knowing less than before you asked & feeling more insecure about it
  2.  Skeptical Surrealist@mntnwzrd66 #Doubletalk. Parent: So should i have kid tested for ADD? Teacher: ‘We are not allowed to tell you you should.’ Way to play on uncertainty!
  3.  Skeptical Surrealist@mntnwzrd66 All false dichotomy is #Doubletalk, but not all Doubletalk is dichotomy.

  4. Skeptical Surrealist@mntnwzrd66   End the Tyranny of #Doubletalk, and the whole Prison collapses, to the dismay of both inmates and guards.
  5.  Skeptical Surrealist@mntnwzrd66  Rule 2 is Never mention Rule 1. This is the Beginning of Doubletalk. #Doubletalk is the Basis of Civilization, Core of all Religion.
  6.  Skeptical Surrealist@mntnwzrd66 In all abusive homes, Rule 1 is Don’t Offend the Monster. Rule 2 is Never Mention Rule 1. This is the beginning of Doubletalk.
  7. Skeptical Surrealist@mntnwzrd66 Tyranny of actual force is a terrible thing, but without first the Tyranny of Doubletalk, it never really gets going.
  8.   Skeptical Surrealist@mntnwzrd66  Fight the Tyranny of Doubletalk. Bitch Slap a Bureaucrat Today. Your World Depends on it. The Life you save could be your own.

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