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Erotic D&D Optional Additional Rules for Role Playing Games

Erotic D&D.
Additional die rolls that each player may do when character meets another character, non-player character, or maybe monster. In theory this ‘game’ should co-exist with your favorite role playing games, whether all story or live action, if the players and ‘DM’s’ agree to it.
roll 2d6 when yr character meets another
2 Your character may Not have sex wtih that character, ever, on pain of death, will violently resist.
3 Your character may have sex with that character but will LOSE 3 sex points if it happens.
4-7, no special attraction or repulsion. Sex optional. No points.
8 2 sex points if your character has sex with that character within 3 days game time, double if doubles
9 3 sex points if your character has sex with that character, Ever.
10 4 sex points if your character has sex with that character within 1 day game time, double if doubles
11 Smitten. No points, but character experiences powerful compulsion to have sex with other character. Opposite of a 2. Character loses 1/4 their wisdom and intelligence and feels Compelled to try to have sex with this person, and can do little else till they have sex at least once. If the object of ths roll rolls a 2, chances are good one of them will end up dead.
12 12 sex points if your character has sex with that character within 1 hour game time.

To clarify, when two characters meet, a die roll is done for each, and it establishes the dynamic of attraction/repulsion/obsession for those two characters for the remainder of the game or till there is some reason to think it has worn off. Each player should know the numbers of their character(s) toward all the other characters and behave accordingly, without interfering (Ha!) with the normal play of the game. (Just like in real life. Not.) Some characters may be more driven by their sexual agenda than others, but the amount should not be out of character… unless highly sexually warped characters is what you want. This is almost a ‘side game.’ It can be as hot or as inept as the storytellers involved, and that is what makes it fun. How exactly is the gnome thief going to come on to the female paladin? And how exactly is she going to play it so it’s a yes? The visuals of various fantasy characters suddenly dropping from action adventure mode to improv porn mode have a certain appeal too. Some particularly wide open groups may include monsters in the rolls and rape of or by monsters as part of the game, while other more tame groups may decide that characters of the same gender should not roll the dice for each other. (Or that each player has an orientation that determines exactly who they roll for and how much it affects them…. that complication is for someone else. Send me a link.) It depends on the game, the room, the character, and the player.
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