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Month: July 2012

Vote against whichever one pisses you off more.

I think Romney is a perfect example of what is wrong with GOP: profit-first, out-of-touch neo Victorian hypocrites. And Obama exemplifies everything wrong with Dems: profit-first, out-of-touch neo Victorian hypocrites. So you can vote against whichever one pisses you off more. Hint: one of them is Black, and the other did Mormon Missionary Service in France at the height of the Viet Nam War. Good Luck, but remember, there is no right answer.

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My Bass Rig Kicks Ass

Fender 5 Sting Jazz Bass (Mexico). Custom pickups by Lindy Fralin. Hartke Kilo, and Ampeg Classic 410LF.
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How Much Can Mitt Spend & Still Lose? How Much Can Mitt Keep?

RC  LOL. What exactly did Romney think the upshot would be in criticizing the London olympic committee? Golf clap, Mittens. Keep doing what you’re doing.

I keep saying he Knows he’s gonna lose and is just gathering money from Suckers at this point. On election night he will wipe the drives and an unknown amount of cash will disappear to a safe place. Just like when Mitt did the Olympics. He specializes in losing expensively.16 minutes ago ·

MF  I’m pretty sure that any time a Republican publicly insults a foreign nation, it’s called “energizing the core voters 16 minutes ago ·

RC  I suppose so. I’m glad they haven’t noticed that another hunk of that core has died of old age every time four years rolls around…14 minutes ago ·

 Karl Rove noticed it years ago, but whatcha gonna do? Any attempt to go light on the racism and bring in, say, some very conservative pro life Hispanic Americans just -loses- them money when the doors are closed. So maybe in true GOP fashion they are -all- just putting in time to take the cash? It’s a perspective I got watching _Casino Jack_ several times: that to the Political mindset at the intersection of politics and business, Failure just makes them pay even more. That when you have pushed all their fear buttons and pumped them for every penny with the idea the world will end if they don’t get their way on something, and then they DON’T, then they find Even More Money for emergency damage control. Somebody was going to tell these idiots what they wanna hear and take their money, if not Murdoch/Rove then somebody else just as much fun. The fools and their money should be well parted after this election, which will set records as the most expensive defeat in election history. Take comfort. At least the loudmouth idiots are getting a righteous fleecing. Could I be wrong? Sure. But I think the Story that Mitt might be ripping donors off So Resonates with the fears rich people already have, and with Mitt’s record and personality, i see it as the most effective narrative to push to stop that money, whether true or not.

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Lord, Make Me a Piece of Thy Instrument!

Everything in the Universe: matter, energy, consciousness, probability, and whatever else can be described as a wave form of a given pitch, timbre, volume, and texture. All the wave patterns mix and harmonize parallel tracks to become the Universe’s Song. I want to be part of the Song. I want to be part of the Singer.  Lord, Make Me a Piece of Thy Instrument!


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